North Wales Historic Commission


Upcoming history happenings in North Wales and the surrounding community

Historic Plaques

How old is your house? Apply for a plaque to proudly display.


We gladly accept historical items as well as monetary donations.

Keeping History Alive!

Welcome to the website of the Historic Commission of the Borough of North Wales, Pennsylvania.

All are welcome to attend Historic Commission meetings, which convene at 7 p.m. on fourth Thursdays of each month at Borough Hall.

We are dedicated volunteers that love where we live and are working to preserve our town’s rich history.

All are welcome to attend Historic Commission meetings, which convene at 7 p.m. on fourth Thursdays of each month at Borough Hall.

Everywhere you look in North Wales you are rewarded with glimpses of history. The more you look, the more you’ll find. Every house, tree, plot of land has its own intriguing story. North Wales Historic Commission keeps those stories safe.

for a deeper dive…

Please feel free to browse our website. If you have questions or requests, use the Contact Us button to let us know your ideas, concerns or suggestions. Thanks.