History snippets


Referring again to the Borough Lockup, it is apparent from the borough council minutes that by this time the demand for lodging had become so great that council found it necessary to equip the lockup with benches. mattresses and blankets at a cost of $11.50.

High Constable Weikel, in charge of the lockup, reported at the meeting of March 1, 1871, that he accommodated 29 persons with lodging in the lockup since July 1870, to date, eleven of whom were from Ireland, eight from Germany, one from England, four from the state of New York, one from Maine and two from Pennsylvania. Among them were four females, all Irish.

The reputation of the accommodations at the lockup evidently spread far and wide, for on March 6, 1872 Constable Weikel reported that he had accommodated sixty-six persons from March 4, 1871, to March 1, 1872, one of whom was born in Connecticut, two in England, three in the state of New York, and three in New Jersey, five in Pennsylvania, sixteen in Germany and thirty-six in Ireland. Four of these were females: one American, one English, and two Irish.

There were also four prisoners confined in the lockup within said term.

The popularity of the lockup became so great that in February 1877 the lockup committee reported it in good condition, but too small to accommodate all the applicants for lodging. However, this lockup continued to house the traveling guests of the borough until May 5, 1890, when the building was sold to Mary Axer for $275.

On October 6, 1890, council instructed the lockup committee to proceed at once with the construction of a new lockup on the ground which council had purchased at the rear of the Hose House at Third street and Montgomery avenue.

On November 2, 1891, the lockup committee reported that the new building was completed with the exception that “it wants straw for the beds”, which was supplied on December 7, 1891, along with blankets. This lockup was in operation until recently [1959] when the cells were torn out and it was turned into a storage house for the borough equipment.

The southeast corner of 3rd & Montgomery Avenue was the site of the North Wales Hose Company (left) and the North Wales Water Company (right).  In 1891 a new borough lock-up was added to the rear of the fire house.  This fire house has been torn down, but the former water works building still stands. In 2024 it is home of Ewenited Stitches yarn store.

Another very important matter was discussed on December 7, 1870, when on motion, the name of Main street was changed to Wales street, Chestnut street to Church street, Washington avenue to Washington street, Broadway to School street and Depot street to Montgomery avenue.

A thorough search of the borough records fails to reveal when Wales street was changed back to Main street.

Fire protection for the town must have been seriously considered by the council at this time, for on May 3, 1871, a photographic show card and descriptive catalogue of the Silsby Engine for extinguishing fire was presented to council by Doctor Kennedy.

1870 advertisement for the Silsby Steam Fire Engine

As we said at the beginning of these last few articles, we do not intend to quote verbatim every minute contained in the records of council and, therefore, we are only offering those things which we feel are interesting and historical. It must be remembered. however, that during all this time council was busy ordering the laying of sidewalks, all of which were constructed of boards, opening streets, paving streets and in general doing those things which were necessary for the creation of a thriving borough.

Every meeting of council found it necessary to borrow money in order to meet expenses. There was no bank in the borough at that time and it was impossible, therefore, to borrow on the contemplated taxes, so it was necessary at every meeting to appoint a committee, comprising one councilman, to contact a citizen who was public-spirited enough to loan council sufficient money to function. The records show that there were many such citizens.

In April 1872, spring was in the air and the itinerant merchant who went from door to door selling his wares, and the wandering doctor, who parked his show in front of the local livery stable and by the aid of a few smoking oil lamps proceeded to dispense medicine that he guaranteed would cure anything from a wart to a broken bone, arrived in town. The exhortations of the merchant and the echoes of the prognostications of the licorice water dispenser had hardly died down, before the wrath of council, in order to protect the local businessmen, descended on the heads of these nefarious vendors in the form of the following ordinance:

“That no theatrical exhibition or exhibitions of circus performances or menageries, stage plays, rope dancing or other shows or exhibitions of a like nature, or the sale of soap, medicine or other commodity put up in boxes, packages, or otherwise, containing a prize, shall hereafter be allowed within said borough without a license from the borough, which may be granted by the burgess upon the payment of a sum not exceeding ten dollars for the use of the borough, and if any person, or persons, shall attempt to violate the provisions of this ordinance, he or they, so offending, shall forfeit and pay the penalty of not less than five dollars or more than fifty dollars, to be recovered with costs as debts of like sums are now collected.”

This post is sourced from a column entitled Early North Wales: Its History and Its People penned by long-time North Wales resident historian Leon T. Lewis. The article appeared in its original form in the September 8, 1959 issue of the North Penn Reporter


A General Election was held on October 11, 1870, at which time 81 electors voted.

The result of the election is contained in the certificate issued by the judge and inspectors of election, who certified there were fifty-seven ballots in favor of street lamps and twenty-four for “no lamps.” Abel Lukens was judge, and Elias K. Freed and A. K. Shearer were the inspectors of the election.

Seven days after the election, or October 18, 1870, council held a special meeting “for the purpose of making arrangements for procuring and putting up streets lamps in pursuance of the result of the election held on the question of lamps. On motion of Mr. Freed it was unanimously resolved that as the question was determined in favor of lamps, a committee of two be appointed whose duty it shall be to examine the kind of street lamps now offered to the public by different manufacturers, and the cost of the same, and ascertain the number required, and report at the next stated session of the council, and procure and put up such and at such points and in such manner as shall be determined upon by the council. Elias K. Freed and Henry F. Moyer were appointed said committee.”

An early street lamp can be seen between the two men standing against the fence. This was the home and barber shop of Isaac Rorer on S. Second Street, neither of which stand today.  This is now the parking lot behind Tex Mex Connection.

Council further considered the matter of street lamps at the meeting held on November 2, 1870. when the committee on lamps made a report in which they designated the following as proper points at which to erect the requisite number of street lamps, to wit, at the southwest corner of Washington avenue on Main street, at the northwest corner of Jonas D. Moyer’s lot, at the northeast corner of Lumber and Main streets, at the southeast corner of Walnut and Main streets, and one opposite the Reformed Church on Main street. At the southeast corner of Second and Depot streets, one opposite Lumber in Second street, one at the southwest corner of Second and Walnut streets, and one opposite John Mann’s lot in Second street. One at the northwest corner of Third and Walnut streets, one at the northwest corner of Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets on Montgomery avenue; and that they have examined different kinds of street lamps and recommend the Danforth’s Non-Explosive Petroleum Fluid[i] lamp which are offered at $96 per dozen. The report was accepted and the committee instructed to purchase the lamps as recommended and to have them erected on “good wooden lamp posts, unless others equally good can be procured at less expense.”

1870 advertisement for Danforth “Non-Explosive” Petroleum Fluid which was in fact naphtha

Street lamps again occupied the attention of council, when, at the meeting held on December 7, 1870, it was resolved that the names of the streets be painted on the four sides of the lamps and that the time to light the lamps be at candle light, or dusk, and that they be extinguished at 10 o’clock p. m.

It was further resolved at this meeting that sealed proposals be received by the committee on lamps until Wednesday evening, December 15, 1870, at 5 o’clock, for lighting, extinguishing, keeping clean, etc., the street lamps for one year.

In compliance with this resolution Messrs. Freed and Moyer, the committee on lamps, reported at the meeting of January 4, 1871, “that they have awarded the contract for lighting, extinguishing, cleaning, etc., sixteen lamps, to Michael Hasty at forty-five dollars for one year, from the 15th day of December 1870, and that the lamp lighter be allowed an appropriation of seventy-five cents per quarter for matches.”

At some point presumably the Danforth light fixtures were replaced with safer ones, once it became known how dangerous the Danforth “Non-Explosive” fluid was.

On July 6, 1896, the lamp committee was ordered to notify the lamp lighter to light the street lamps on all nights “that the moon does not give light”, until one o’clock.

The matter of street lighting continued to receive the attention of borough council, and on May 7, 1897 the following resolution was adopted: “Resolved that articles of agreement be made with a proposed electric light and power plant to be known as The North Wales Electric Light and Power Plant, as soon as it is incorporated, under which, the said proposed company shall be given the franchise to plant poles and string wires on the streets of the borough. Said franchise to be exclusive for ten years, and a contract to light the streets of the borough for a period of ten years with not less than fifty 25 candle power lights, at the rate of twelve dollars per year per light, be entered into with said proposed light company.”

One month later, June 7, 1897, borough council ordered its officials to enter into an agreement with E. K. Freed for street lighting, which was done. Thereafter, the street lighting was furnished by the E. K. Freed Electric Light Company, which erected its power plant on the Third street on the ground now [1959] occupied by Stainless, Inc.

The upper right corner of this 1909 map shows E.K. Freed’s electric power plant. With no rail siding, coal to fuel the boilers needed to be hauled by teamsters’ horse-drawn wagons one block from the railroad. The building still stands, fronting on 3rd Street.

The fate of the old lamp lighter was doomed with the following entry in the borough minutes of October 4, 1897, “the lamp lighter is to be disposed of due to the erection of electric lights. All old oil lamps and poles to be removed and sold at $2 for the best, $1.50 for next best and $1 each for the worst.”

[i] In spring 1870, Danforth’s oil was a relatively new product in an unregulated marketplace. Without safety testing, manufacturers experimented with and sold highly flammable, unstable oils. [After a series of tragic fires] New York City’s Board of Health conducted a review of Danforth’s Non-Explosive Petroleum Fluid … and concluded that the New York-based product was no less than a “murderous oil.” It turned out that, while not technically “explosive,” the lamp oil would spontaneously ignite at room temperature without provocation. – La Crosse (Wisconsin) Tribune May 16, 2015.  “The oil sold by this firm (G. M. Danforth & Co.) is naphtha – nothing more or less; it is the most dangerous article that can be put into a lamp.” – First Annual Report of the Board of Health of the Health Department of the City of New York, 1871.

This post is sourced from a column entitled Early North Wales: Its History and Its People penned by long-time North Wales resident historian Leon T. Lewis. The article appeared in its original form in the September 1, 1959 issue of the North Penn Reporter.


We continue with the Town Council meeting of January 20, 1870:

“The council then resolved itself into a committee of the whole and the following propositions submitted: E. K. Freed proposed that a stone building sixteen feet square ten feet high with flat roof covered with tin be erected. Joseph K. Anders coincided with Mr. Freed. Percival Slough proposed to have three apartments, one for prisoners, one for male and the other for female lodgers.

“After considerable discussion, in which all members of the council participated, the following was unanimously adopted as the specifications of the building; the building or lock-up house to be stone fourteen by eighteen feet, one story high, nine feet in the clear from floor to ceiling, wall to be eighteen inches thick laid up with good lime and sand mortar, the sleepers to be of white oak six inches thick and laid thirty inches apart, hemlock floor to be laid not less than thirty inches above the level of the surrounding ground, the joist for the ceiling to be three by six inches, to have four windows with two lights (by lights they meant window panes) in each, 10 by 12 glass with one iron bar lengthwise in each, well secured and to be one inch in thickness, to have a brick partition wall nine inches thick, two 2 inch batten doors well nailed with wrought iron nails, hung with strap hinges and have good mortise lock, flat tin roof to project eight inches over the wall with plain cornice around the same, the ceiling to be plastered with two coats and the walls inside with one coat of good mortar, the outside to be roughcast, and the outside woodwork to be well painted with two coats of white lead, and have suitable privy arrangements in each apartment for the accommodation of lodgers. The same to be completed by the 15th day of April A. D. 1870.

1886 map shows the location of the borough jail, located on 3rd Street near School Street. The jail was torn down long ago. The building labelled “Public School” is now borough hall

“All the material and workmanship in the same shall be such as shall be approved by the Town Council, under a penalty or forfeiture of one hundred dollars, after the adoption of which the clerk was in-structed to make out specifications and invite proposals for the building of the same.”

“Bids for the construction of the lock-up were received at the meeting of February 2, 1870, when the following propositions were received and read: one from Frederick Wolf for three hundred and thirty-five dollars. One from Aaron Kriebel for three hundred and sixty dollars, which were considered, and on motion it was resolved that the proposal for Mr. Wolf be accepted upon condition that he give security for the faithful performance of the contract agreeably to the specifications, under a forfeiture of one hundred dollars.

“The committee appointed at the special session of council on the 20th of January, 1870, for the purpose of purchasing a suitable lot of ground on which to build the lock-up, reported that they had made arrangements with David Moyer for the purchase of a lot on Third street for the sum of fifty dollars, subject to a dower of about four dollars, which report was accepted. This plot of ground was at Third and School streets, and the lock-up, when erected, stood about where the buildings now [1959] stand that are now owned by the Atlas Asbestos Company.

The next mention of the lock-up is made in the borough minutes of April 6, 1870, and reads as follows: “Messrs. Moyer and Slough, the committee appointed to superintend the building of the lock-up, or station house, report that the same is completed agreeably to contract, which was on motion accepted.”

Frederick Wolf, the contractor, was present and claimed ten dollars extra pay for changing the location of the building from the foundation first dug to where it was finally located. Upon Mr. Wolf persisting in his claim, it was on motion of E. K. Freed allowed and an order granted in his favor for $345.00. At this same meeting the building committee was instructed to place an iron bar across the outer door of the lock-up.

The lock-up having been erected, the next matter of importance to be brought to the attention of council was the question of street lights. On October 5, 1870, there appears in the minutes the following entry: “Application by petition of citizens of the borough having been made to the Town Council for the erection of street lamps at certain points in the limits of the borough of North Wales, in pursuance of which application, it was on motion of Mr. Freed unanimously resolved that the question of lamps to light the streets of the borough be submitted to the qualified electors therein at the general and borough elections to be held at the public house of Abel Lukens on the 11th day, being the second Tuesday of October A. D. 1870.”

We will report the result of this election in our next article.

This post is sourced from a column entitled Early North Wales: Its History and Its People penned by long-time North Wales resident historian Leon T. Lewis. The article appeared in its original form in the August 25, 1959 issue of the North Penn Reporter.

A close up of a map

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On October 22, 1869, North Wales Borough Council finally started to function and its first official act was the passing of an ordinance compelling property owners on Main Street to lay sidewalks six feet wide with a pavement of brick, stone or wood. These sidewalks were to be completed within thirty days.

Council convened in the office of Moyer & Shearer on Second Street on October 27, 1869

At the next meeting of council, October 27, 1869, the meeting place was changed from Lukens’ Hall to the office of Messrs. Moyer and Shearer. This office was on the site of the one now [1959] occupied by A. K. Shearer on Second street. At this meeting council passed an ordinance requiring pavements to be laid on Montgomery Avenue and Third street and that Montgomery Avenue was to be opened from Third to Second streets.

The meeting place was again changed on November 3, 1869, from the office of Moyer and Shearer to the borough clerk’s office. Mr. Wampole, the clerk, was also a justice of the peace and had his office at 107 North Second street. At this meeting it was resolved that the street commissioner receive a salary of two dollars per day for every day necessarily spent in the performance of his duties.

In order that the actions of council be legally correct it has always been necessary to employ a solicitor, and accordingly, on November 17, 1869, Henry F. Moyer appointed a committee to employ a solicitor for the town council at a salary not exceeding twenty-five dollars per year for his services. At the next meeting, November 24, 1869, Mr. Moyer reported that he had engaged the services of George N. Corson for a term ending January 1, 1871, at a salary of twenty-five dollars per year.

Apparently parking was a problem in 1869, as it is now, for at the meeting of council held on December 8, 1869, a petition was presented by citizens of the borough requesting an ordinance to prohibit any cart, stage, wagon, carriage or vehicle of any kind from remaining on any pavement, footway, or public crossing longer than a certain fixed time, under a penalty of (blank) dollars, to be recovered before the burgess or a justice of the peace; one-half of the fine to be paid to the informer. Also an ordinance making it a penalty for any person or persons to lead or drive a horse or any other animal along and on any footway or pavement. These petitions were received for consideration and future action.

On December 15, 1869, the matter was again brought up, but on motion laid on the table. A search of the records fails to disclose any further action.

The De Houpt grocery store was located on the south side of E. Walnut Street between 4th Street and the railroad

The meeting of December 29, 1869, proved to be an important one in that by-laws and rules were adopted for the government of council. These by-laws and rules are lengthy and have long since been made obsolete by the Legislature of Pennsylvania which created the borough code, and under which all boroughs must function.

The next important matter brought to the attention of council at this meeting was, “The question of lodging strangers or vagrants coming into the borough, which was introduced by Mr. Anders, and after discussing the subject it was on motion, resolved that the clerk obtain the solicitor’s opinion and advice as to the duty of, and the proper course for, the council to pursue in cases where the hotel keepers of the borough of North Wales refuse to entertain and lodge such strangers upon application.”

On January 12, 1870, the matter of lodging strangers again occupied the attention of council when, “A petition was presented asking for the erection of a lock-up or station-house, the propriety of which was discussed, and on motion of Mr. Freed the subject was referred to Messers. Cathrall and Anders with instructions to report at the next meeting of council.”

At this meeting there was another petition presented asking for the erection of twelve street lamps and the appointment of a lamp lighter. This petition was referred back for more signers.

We quote in full the next meeting of council which reads as follows:

“At a special session of the council convened on Thursday evening, January 20, 1870. for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of erecting a suitable building for a lock-up house and a site upon which to erect the same. When Joseph K. Anders on behalf of the committee appointed at a former meeting of the council, made report, from the opinion received from George N. Corson, the council solicitor, it appears to be the duty of the council to erect such a building within the borough, and that a lot of ground upon which to erect the same fronting on Third street, bounded by lands of Frederick Mull and Daniel Kenderdine can be purchased for about fifty-four dollars. [Today this is the side yard of the house across the street from the beer distributor.] Whereupon on motion of E. K. Freed it was resolved that the town council erect within the limits of the borough a building suitable for a lock-up or station house, and that a committee be appointed to purchase a suitable lot of ground upon which to erect the same. The president appointed E. K. Freed and Joseph K. Anders to said committee.”

We will continue this article in subsequent blog posts.

This post is sourced from a column entitled Early North Wales: Its History and Its People penned by long-time North Wales resident historian Leon T. Lewis. The article appeared in its original form in the August 18, 1959 issue of the North Penn Reporter.

Farmers Creamery Association of North Wales

In 1880, North Wales businessmen and local farmers pooled their resources to establish a creamery in the borough for “the manufacture and sale of butter, cheese, and other products of milk.”  

Built in 1881 as a dairy creamery, this building still stands on E. Walnut Street at Beaver Street in North Wales, opposite the Wawa

During the 19th century the countryside surrounding North Wales was primarily agricultural.  In addition to or in place of raising crops, dairy farming could be a sustainable enterprise, the problem being that each day, dairy farmers needed to either process or transport that morning’s milk to a creamery.  This needed to be done day in and day out, 365 days a year.  In the era before refrigeration, before motorized trucks, and before paved roads to run them on, that left few options.  Full milk cans could be hauled to the Reading Railroad’s freight station for shipment to a processing facility, but the high cost of shipment could make the enterprise untenable.

Constitution and Bylaws of the Farmers Creamery Assocation of North Wales, dated March 19, 1881

So it was that the Farmers Creamery Association of North Wales was formed.  A 1 acre plot of land was purchased from Jos. Hopkins “on the north side of the borough.”  A substantial masonry building was built to the following specifications:

34 feet x 42 feet
First story stone, second story brick
9×14, 12 light over 12 light, lower story
9×12, 12 light, second story [the term “light” refers to glass panes]
Granite door sills (3)

This building is still standing, after several major alterations, at 717 E. Walnut Street in North Wales borough, opposite the Wawa.  Today the building serves as a 5 unit apartment house.

At a March 19th, 1881 meeting of stockholders of the Farmers Creamery Association of North Wales, the following by-laws were unanimously adopted:

1).  If adulterated milk is furnished by anyone, first offense shall be penalty of $10. Second and subsequent offense: $20.  [Equivalent to $300 and $600 in 2024 dollars]

2). Milk shall be delivered between 5:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. from May 1 to October 1.  Between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. the rest of the year.

1899 publication issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture lists G. W. Hoffman as owner of North Wales Creamery

The Ambler Gazette newspaper reported that the North Wales creamery “did a thriving business.”  Eventually however the creamery was no longer profitable and ceased operations.  The creamery building was converted to a laundry.  Later, owner George Hoffman converted the structure again, this time into a large bungalow-style house. Hoffman subdivided the lot and in 1920 sold the ex-creamery house to one E. F. Grann. 

This excerpt of a Sanborn insurance map dated September 1921 has been marked up to indicate the creamery building, which had already been converted to a house. In 1926 a craftsman style home would be built next door, at the corner of 8th and Walnut Streets. Also still standing today, its location has been added to this map

In 1925 Hoffman broke ground for a new house on the lot next door to the former creamery, on the southwest corner of 8th & Walnut Streets.  Still standing today at 719 W. Walnut, one and a half stories in height with the first floor of brick and the second of wood, the compact home is of the American Craftsman style so popular at the time. The Hoffman family moved into 719 W. Walnut Street in April of 1926.    

1937 Nash Lafayette Serves as North Wales Police Car and Ambulance

In June 1937, North Wales borough council unanimously agreed to the purchase of a new Nash Lafayette police car.  Recommended by the council safety committee, the purchase was made through the John H. Dodson Nash dealership located at the northwest corner of Walnut Street and Center Street.

The four-door Nash was optioned with “the modern ambulance conversion.”  The June 3, 1937 issue of the North Wales Record newspaper reported: 

“This is the first and only type of police car in this area.  Within a few seconds the rear of the automobile can be converted into an ambulance with all the conveniences, and a patient may be transported easily and in comfort to the nearest medical unit.

“The car will be equipped with two searchlights, and a police siren with a flashing red blinker to warn oncoming traffic.”

from left to right: Burgess W. E. Rourke; Melvin A. Hemmerle, assisting Chief of Police; Chief H. W. Turner; and Charles Brommer III lying on stretcher

When the car arrived in September, a photograph illustrating the ambulance conversion along with a description of its features appeared:

“One of the finest equipped police cars in the county is now operating in the Borough of North Wales and was purchased a few months ago by Town Council. It is equipped with two powerful side search lights and a red blinker siren is mounted on the roof. Its interior is roomy and it possesses excellent speed.

“The most interesting feature of the car and the newest ‘wrinkle’ in police cars is the rear ambulance conversion. In a few seconds the rear of the car may be converted into an ambulance fully equipped with an auxiliary stretcher, blankets, pillow, pads and all necessities and a patient may be quickly and comfortably conveyed to the nearest hospital unit. This is one of the features of the car to which Council gave serious consideration when purchasing. The ambulance is not only for use on the road in the event of an accident but is also at the service of the community.

“The Donald McLeod Post, American Legion, North Wales, is the donor of the ambulance equipment. While the car is now equipped with the necessary supplies, the ‘extras’ will be officially presented to the Police Department by the Legion Post in the future.  This snappy police car with its modern equipment has been viewed and photographed by officials and residents of many surrounding towns and pronounced as the ‘ideal police’ car.

“It was purchased through the Lafayette agency of John Dodson, North Wales.

“In picture reading from left to right: Burgess W. E. Rourke; Melvin A. Hemmerle, assisting Chief of Police; Chief H. W. Turner; and Charles Brommer III, lying on stretcher).”

The caption above refers to the newspaper photograph at the top of this page. The second photo is not of the North Wales car; it is a photo of another 1937 Nash Lafayette that gives a sense of what these large streamlined sedans looked like. The image below is from a stylish 1937 Nash advertisement.


After the incorporation of North Wales Borough and the granting of the charter by Montgomery County Court we find the following entry in the borough minutes:

“At an election held at the Public House of Abel Lukens in the Borough of North Wales on the 21st day of September, 1869, by virtue of and in pursuance of the decree of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the County of Montgomery of the 20th day of August, 1869, the following persons were duly elected to fill the offices provided for by law, to-wit:

Burgess – George Schlotterer
Town Council – Henry F. Moyer, Elias K. Freed, Percival Slough, Joseph K. Anders and George Cathrall
Constable – Noah W. Weikel
Judge of Election – Augustus W. Dettra
Inspector – George W. Nyce (There being a tie vote for Abel Lukens and John S. Knight for Inspector)
Assessor – Daniel Kenderdine
Auditor – Henry W. Moyer
School Directors – George Schlotterer, William Wilson, Dr. B. K. Johnson, Leidy Gerhart, Isaac G. Freed and John Kline
Justice of the Peace – Isaac W. Wampole and David Moyer

The public house of Abel Lukens was what is now the Rorer-Seems Building, and Lukens’ Hall, which is mentioned very often in these articles, is the building which now [1959] contains the U. S. Post Office.

We do not intend to quote verbatim every minute contained in the records of Borough Council, but not to give the full record of the first meeting would take from these articles the very purpose for which they are written. Therefore, again we quote:

“The first meeting of the Town Council of the Borough of North Wales was held in Lukens’ Hall on Wednesday evening, September 29th, 1869, when the following members were present: George Schlotterer Burgess; Elias K. Freed, Henry F. Moyer and Percival G. Slough, members of the Council, all of whom having been previously duly sworn or affirmed according to law before, Algernon S. Jenkins, Esquire, a Justice of the Peace. Joseph K. Anders, also a member of Council, was present, being duly affirmed by George Schlotterer, Burgess.

“Whereupon council organized by choosing Henry F. Moyer president, and unanimously elected lsaac W. Wampole, Clerk, and appointed Abel K. Shearer, borough treasurer.

“Being thus organized, it was on motion resolved that Elias K. Freed and Joseph K. Anders, who having received the highest number of votes at the late election held on the 21st day of September 1869, should remain in office until their successors are elected in October, 1870, and come regularly into office, and that three persons be elected to the office of Town Council on Tuesday, October 12, 1869, to serve for a term two years.

“On motion Elias K. Freed was appointed a committee to procure the necessary books and stationary for the use of the council.”

Of course, no borough could function without a street commissioner and surveyor, and accordingly, on October 6th, 1869, Frederick Wolf and Ellwood Cleaver were appointed commissioner and surveyor respectively.

Council again met on October 18th, 1869, at which time they appointed Henry F. Moyer as a committee on Finance with instructions to borrow two hundred dollars on Borough Scrip. At this meeting Council was also informed of the bad condition of the bridge at Main and Walnut streets. The mention of a bridge at this intersection causes one to visualize a wooden structure across the street, but in searching records and talking to residents of the town “whose memories runneth not to the contrary” we find that the “bridge” was simply a wooden culvert over a large ditch which existed at Main and Walnut streets at that time.

On the 12th of October 1869, or about one month after the special election held on September 21st of the same year, a general election was held at the Public House of Abel Lukens, at which time the following persons were duly elected Borough officers for the ensuing term: burgess, Isaac Wampole, Jr.; town council, Henry F. Moyer, Percival Slough and David Smith, Jr.; constable, Noah W. Weikel.

In passing we want to pay tribute to the memory of the man who was the second Burgess of North Wales, Isaac W. Wampole, Jr. Mr. Wampole was elected burgess in 1869 and for many years served this community in an official capacity. He performed the duties of his various offices faithfully and loyally, always having in mind the trust imposed upon him by the people. He was one of the pioneers in the building of the town and lived within its confines for many years. Mr. Wampole left a long line of descendants, many of whom are our present day citizens.

The father of Mr. Wampole, Isaac W. Wampole, served this town as borough clerk for a period of twenty years and the minutes kept by him are the most comprehensive, as well as the most beautifully written, that we have ever seen. It is only through his detailed recordings of the actions of the early councils that these present articles are possible.

This post is sourced from a column entitled Early North Wales: Its History and Its People penned by long-time North Wales resident historian Leon T. Lewis. The article appeared in its original form in the August 11, 1959 issue of the North Penn Reporter.


Not everyone agreed that North Wales should be incorporated as a borough. This next article describes the actions taken by the opponents of the borough’s incorporation in 1869.

Inasmuch as the village of North Wales was in 1869 a part of Gwynedd township, and by the incorporation the township would lose the territory that was sought to be incorporated, certain citizens of Gwynedd township filed a Remonstrance on April 14, 1869, protesting against the proposed incorporation of the Borough of North Wales.

An early view of Philadelphia House, a hotel located on the corner of 2nd & Montgomery Avenue.  This was one of the early post offices of North Wales, and also the first ice cream parlor in town.  It was torn down in 1959.

About one month later, May 17, 1869, the following withdrawal of certain persons as petitioners for the corporation was filed with the court:

“The undersigned inhabitants and citizens of the Village of North Wales who signed a petition for the incorporation of the Village of North Wales into a borough, respectfully beg leave to withdraw their names and to place themselves into opposition to said charter for the following reasons:

1st. That the said corporation would be injurious to the people living and owning property there.

2nd. That it would entail great expense and be of no benefit to the people.

3rd. That it includes a large portion of farming territory.

“We therefore ask the court to reject said application. Peter Stover, Enos Kulp, Henry Bury, John Manns, Frederick Moll.

“We, the undersigned inhabitants and residents of North Wales, who have signed neither the petition for or against the incorporation of said borough, do hereby unite with the within named persons in remonstrating against the incorporation of said village into a borough. David Richard, Jacob M. Weber; Joseph Stover, H. B. Null, Thomas J. Speakman, Charles Manly , Charles G. Eaton, Joseph H. Kriebel, Philip H. Wagner, John Wagoner, Joseph S. Quinn and Leidy Baker.”

The court then directed that the case be heard on depositions.

In compliance with the ruling of the court, George N. Corson, representing the petitioners, and Charles Hunsicker, for the Remonstrants, met the witnesses at Abel Lukens’ Hall (later known as the Rorer Seems Building) on June 19, 1869, and proceeded to take testimony.

The first pro-borough witness to be heard was Elias K. Freed, who testified that up to that time he had lived in North Wales for twelve years and that he was in the milling business, steam, grist and flour mill. That the population of North Wales was 450 and that the amount of business done in the village was about $450,000 per year. He also stated that the population was increasing and that there were then being constructed some fifteen or sixteen houses. Mr. Freed further testified that, from the travel to and from North Wales and the business done at the depot, and other business, and that the number of people coming here from abroad, he considered the proper police regulations and laying out of streets, and prosperity of the times, required that the village should be incorporated into a borough.

Among the other witnesses who testified were Abel K. Shearer. Henry F. Moyer and Isaac G. Freed. Each gave their particular reasons for desiring the incorporation.

On the same days the testimony of the remonstrants [opposing the creation of the borough] was heard. The first witness called for the remonstrants was Jacob Shearer, grandfather of Abel K. Shearer, who later conducted the lumber yard on Second street. Mr. Shearer stated that he was a farmer and had resided in the town for thirty years and that in his opinion the village was not yet large enough to be incorporated.

Daniel Kenderdine was next heard, as was Enos Lukens, Abel Lukens and Jacob H. Kneedler, all of whom gave their reasons for opposing the incorporation.

The depositions were filed in court on June 21, 1869, and after due consideration, the court granted the charter for the incorporation into a borough on August 20, 1869, with the following order:

“And now to wit: August 20, 1869, the court confirms the judgment of the Grand Jury, and decrees that the said town Of North Wales be incorporated into a borough in conformity with the prayer of the petitioners. That the corporate style and title thereof shall be ‘The Borough of North Wales’, That the boundaries thereof shall be as set forth in said petition for incorporation and that the annual borough election shall be held at the public house of Abel Lukens in said borough in accordance with and subject to all the provisions of a separate election and school district.

“The court further decrees and fixes the first election in said borough for election of officers provided for by law at the said public house of Abel Lukens, on the 21st day of September 1869, between the hours of 8 o’clock a. m. and 6. o’clock p. m. of said day, and designates Abel K. Shearer to give due notice of said election, and the manner thereof. And the court further decrees that Augustus W. Dettra be judge and I. W. Wampole and George Young the inspectors of said election.”

This post is sourced from a column entitled Early North Wales: Its History and Its People penned by long-time North Wales resident historian Leon T. Lewis. The article appeared in its original form in the August 4, 1959 issue of the North Penn Reporter.


Early in the spring of 1868 the possibility and advisability of the village of North Wales detaching itself from Gwynedd township and becoming incorporated into a borough was being discussed among certain citizens.

The matter was talked about, pro and con, all through the summer and into the early fall until finally on November 16, 1868 the following petition was filed in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Montgomery, in the court house at Norristown:

“The petition of diverse freeholders and citizens of the village of North Wales in the township of Gwynedd and county aforesaid. Know ye, that they are freeholders and citizens of the village of North Wales aforesaid, situate on and along the Spring House and Sumneytown Turnpike Road at and near where said road crosses the North Pennsylvania Rail Road in said Township of Gwynedd and County of Montgomery aforesaid.

“That said village is a thriving, growing, rapidly increasing, and active business town, containing a depot, lumber yard, coal yard, three general stores, drug store, boot, shoe and trunk store, feed store, flour mill, two hotels, restaurant, a saddlery, harness makers, shoemakers, blacksmith shops, wheelwright shop, steam moulding sash and door manufactory, brick kiln, churches, school house, conveyancer, real estate and insurance offices, a building and loan association, library association and other institutions of learning and usefulness and about 380 inhabitants, sixty-five of whom are freeholders.

“Your petitioners are anxious to have said village incorporated and made a body politic with the name, style and title of the Borough of North Wales, whose boundaries shall be as follows, to wit:

“BEGINNING at a stake set for a corner in a public road in the line of lands of Frederick Beaver and Daniel Kenderdine, thence south sixty degrees and a quarter east respectively by lands of said Kenderdine, David Moyer and John M. Nice and Joseph K. Anders, one hundred and nineteen perches to a corner in land of said Anders, thence by the same south forty-two and a half degrees west eighty-five perches to the Spring House and Sumneytown Turnpike road, thence by the same south sixty degrees east twenty perches to a corner of Samuel R. Birds land, thence by the same south thirty degrees west twenty-eight perches to a corner, thence by land of W. Shearer and George Wolf respectively north sixty degrees west one hundred and fourteen perches to a maple tree on land of George Wolf, thence north forty-one and three quarter degrees east one hundred and thirteen perches to the place of beginning.”

The above description of the boundaries is, of course, an engineer’s description. Perhaps it will be more readily understood if I name the streets that were included within these boundaries. Starting at Main street and going toward the railroad station there was Second, Third and Fourth streets. The intersecting streets from Walnut east were Walnut street and Washington avenue. However, as stated earlier in these articles, there was a lane at what is now Shearer street.

Beginning at Beaver street and going east on Main street there was Broadway (now School street), Walnut street, Montgomery avenue and Chestnut street, now Church street. There were two streets, Poplar and High, running parallel with Main street from the railroad to Washington avenue.

The petition for the incorporation of the borough was approved by the Grand Jury on February 26, 1860. The petition presented to the court for the incorporation was signed by the following citizens: George Cathrall, David Jones, Abel K. Shearer, Ellwood Cleaver, Jacob H. Leister, Isaac G. Freed, Lydia Gerhart, Peter S. Moyer, David Moyer, Henry F. Moyer, Henry W. Moyer, William Miller, Percival Slough, John M. Nice, Jonas D. Moyer, John Alarms, Peter Hover, Hannah Beater, Noah W. Weikel, Isaac N. Wireman, Enos H. Cassel, Elias K. Freed, David Knipe, Mark B. Fretz, James Woodruff, Michael Hasty, Jonathan Lukens, Joseph K. Anders, Frederick Wolf, W. R. Bechtel, J. S. Knight, Henry Bury, William S. Boyd, May Wampole, George Schlotter, Enos H. Kulp, Martha A. Cleaver, Ephraim Neaval, and Evan B. Kepler.

On April 14, 1869, the following remonstrance was filed with the court by certain of the citizens of North Wales, protesting against the incorporation:

“The undersigned inhabitants, residents and freeholders of the village of North Wales respectfully remonstrate against the incorporation of North Wales into a borough as prayed for a November Sessions, 1868, and which was approved by the Grand Jury February 26, 1869, for the following reasons:

1st. That the incorporation of said village into a borough would impose upon the property holders and inhabitants thereof great and unreasonable expense.

2nd. That a large portion of the territory sought to be incorporated is farming territory.

3rd. That your remonstrants further believe that a majority of the freeholders are opposed to said incorporation.

We therefore pray the court to refuse said application, and they will ever pray. David Baker, George W. Nyce, Jacob Wismer, Jacob W. Baker, Enos Kulp, Jacob W. Shearer, Henry Bury, Levi Keller, Daniel Kenderdine, Susannah Howland, Abraham Kriebel, Jr., Enos M. Lukens, James Moyer, Henry Booz, George Young, J. H. Kneedler, William VanFossen and B. Franklin Eaton.”

This post is sourced from a column entitled Early North Wales: Its History and Its People penned by long-time North Wales resident historian Leon T. Lewis. The article appeared in its original form in the July 28, 1959 issue of the North Penn Reporter.


This week we will talk about the old Dickerson farm in Upper Gwynedd Township, which came into the ownership of Leeds and Northrup in the 1950s.  The site is today [2023] occupied by the Merck Upper Gwynedd complex opposite Parkside Place.

The Dickerson farm, or the greater part of it, was probably included within the original patent to Evan Hugh, who acquired 1068 acres in 1701, extending across Gwynedd Township in a narrow strip. Hugh Pugh, one of his sons, acquired this partition of his father’s grant, including also the Gordon and Beaver farms, or 307 acres in all. In 1718 this tract was sold to Cadwallader Foulke, who held it for fourteen years. In 1732 Robert Jones was the purchaser who the same year conveyed it to his son, John Jones.

This 1871 map shows the Dickerson farmstead which once stood on the west side of Dickerson Road. Sumneytown Pike crosses left to right through the middle of the map. Present-day road names have been added to the historical map

In 1736 David Cummings bought 108 acres of John Jones and who, in 1760, conveyed to George Maris. He was the great grandson of the Maris who came to this country from Worcestershire, England, in 1683, and settled in Springfield, Delaware county. He was a prominent Quaker and said to be a preacher. He filled a number of important places of public trust, being for several years a member of the Assembly, Justice of the Peace, and Judge of the County Court. He left many descendants, among whom was Prof. George L. Maris, who was the head of the George School at Newtown. George Maris, the immigrant, died in 1705. In 1762, Maris sold to a more permanent owner, Mathias Lukens, who bought 180 acres which must also have included much of the Beaver farm. The new owner was supposed to have been the son of John Lukens, who came from Holland to Pennsylvania in 1688. He died in 1744, leaving a family of children, one of whom was Mathias, born in 1700.

The Dickerson farmhouse and barn were located on the north-west side of Dickerson Road, about half-way between Sumneytown Pike and Wissahickon Avenue. The site of the farmstead is now occupied by Merck’s Upper Gwynedd Child Learning Center at 500 Dickerson Road

A saw mill powered by the Wissahickon Creek was here during the ownership of Mathias Lukens.  It is supposed that Lukens built the saw mill before the Revolution [American War of Independence]. In the assessment of his property in 1776, the saw mill is mentioned together with 130 acres, two horses and six cows. He had bought other lots, of some thirty acres, bordering the present Sumneytown pike. His will was made March 6, 1783 in which he ordered his executors to sell his property.

In 1786, a Quaker named Joseph Shoemaker bought the property comprising 91 acres of Joseph Lukens and John Evans, the executors. His last will was made March 5th, 1823, in which he ordered the sale of his property. In 1828 the buyer was Thomas Shoemaker, who, in 1830 conveyed to Emanuel Stilte, a native of Germany born in 1751.

Stilte was a blacksmith. During the latter period of his life he had his shop opposite the toll-gate [Sumneytown Pike at West Point Pike] and lived in the house owned in the early 1900s by John Schull. His death took place in 1839 at the age of 88 years and he lies buried in the Lutheran Cemetery at North Wales. He had a daughter born in 1780, who married a Reformed minister, Rev. Samuel Helftenstein.

We first hear of Helfenstein as the pastor of the Reformed Church near 4th and Race streets, Philadelphia. He was born in 1775. He built a large house at the corner of Sumneytown pike and Dickerson road, where he resided and finally died. He mostly rented the farm and saw mill to other parties. He was the pastor of the Reformed Congregation in the old Yellow Church, North Wales, for seventeen years, or from 1826 to 1843. His death took place October 17, 1866, at the age of 91. He left six children. Of these, two were also preachers, Albert and Samuel, Jr.

His son, Samuel B. Helfenstein, was well known in Montgomery county. He was a school teacher and a newspaper man, publishing the Norristown Defender for many years. He died about 1880. His uncle, Albert, the preacher, died in 1870 at the age of 69.

The second Samuel Helfenstein died in 1869, also aged 69. In 1855 Rev. Samuel Helfenstein conveyed the property to John Lutz of Whitpain for $6620. The latter was descended from a German family.

The death of John Lutz took place on November 3rd, 1861. During his ownership he had built a new saw mill.  After his death the 69 acre farm was sold to Albert Dickerson who came from Whitemarsh. For some time after the Dickerson purchase the saw mill continued in operation, but gradually became disused.

Before 1914, Sumneytown Pike in Upper Gwynedd Township was a private turnpike. The road surface would not be paved until 1927. This photo captures a Lehigh Valley Transit trolley headed for Allentown pausing on Sumneytown Pike, at a point between Beaver Street and Dickerson Road. North Wales may be glimpsed in the far distance. The Gordon farm occupied the ground on the right side of the road, which would later be developed as Parkside Place

In March 1913 the heirs of Albert Dickerson sold the farm to Raymond Mayhew, representing the Florex Gardens Company. The farm remained in the possession of Florex Gardens until sale of the property to Leeds and Northrup in the 1950s.

This post is sourced from a column entitled Early North Wales: Its History and Its People penned by long-time North Wales resident historian Leon T. Lewis. The article appeared in its original form in the July 21, 1959 issue of the North Penn Reporter.